16 березня. Англійська мова
Дата: 16.03.2022 19:02
Кількість переглядів: 48
- Wednesday ,the sixteenth of March Classwork. At Madam Tussaud's museum.
- Please , first watch the video and be ready to answer the questions about it. Than come in to the lesson.https://us05web.zoom.us/j/6810316886?pwd=REFNZ3gvcE9WTWh2aml2WnM4eGpRUT09
- https://youtu.be/LmhOMk6CEzU
- Homework is : Ex. 3 , 4 ,6 ,p. 131 ,132 . And answer the questions on the video : 1) What is the woman speaking in the video? 2) What does she do in museum? 3) What wax figures of famous people can you see in the video? Write a list .Write the full texts of homework , please.Good luck!